Golden Valley Christian Church
Women have always assisted men in fighting wars, but not always in actual battles. Today, women are in military uniform, fighting in battle along with their male counterparts. However, there have always been a few women, donning men’s clothing and fighting alongside the male soldiers. Such a woman was Deborah Sampson who disguised herself as a man and fought in the Revolutionary War. Calling herself by the name of Robert Shurtleff, Sampson enlisted in 1782, in Massachusetts’ 4th regiment. One time, she was wounded in the thigh and proceeded to extract the pistol ball herself. Due to an illness, and being sent to a hospital, she was finally discovered. The Bible tells of a military leader that refused to go into a particular battle unless a certain woman went with him. You can read about this in the book of Judges, 4:4-9.
During last Sunday’s morning service, we were blessed with a beautiful duet by Alyssa Tucker and Rosanna Cross, singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” GVCC is truly blessed with people who are willing to share their talents.
Bro Tim’s message was “Communicating Truth,” with scripture from Dt 11:1-2, 21. There are some in this world that expect Christians to be tolerant of all things. However, in today’s world, it might seem that tolerance is just indifference. Jesus was not tolerant when He drove the money changers out of the temple, because there is a right or wrong in God’s truth. God’s truth should be taught to our children, also teaching them that God is love. God teaches us there are boundaries we must not cross. As Christians, we must stand firm. God showed His true love by sending His Son to die for us.
The Bible challenge question: Who did the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar choose to be king of Judah? (2 Chron 36:9-10)
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30. Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.