Golden Valley Christian Church
A survey was taken by about the question, “Does history matter?” in which 56% answered yes, and 44% answered no. One answer from those responding “no” was, “Who cares about who did what.” Another answered, “It’s mostly false; a lot of history is just made up.” The people answering “yes” had a more reflective view. “History links us to the present; if we don’t learn from the past, we could make the same mistakes,” wrote one responder. Another wrote, “The more we learn from history, the wiser we become.” Compare that to God’s command for all to study and live His teachings (Josh 1:6-8). Moses was selected by God to be a teacher (Ex 18:20). History was important during Biblical days, with Jewish youngsters being taught the history of their nation. History is still vital for those of us today.
We would like to thank the Mohrs for the absolutely beautiful arrangements of zinnias they have provided for our pleasure these last few weeks. Zinnias are an old garden favorite, but their arrangements can be gorgeous. Not only did they provide lovely arrangements in unique vases, but last week, the arrangement was in a wooden church building Steve had built himself. Thank you so much, Steve and Betty! Last Sunday, we were additionally blessed with the beauty of a live floral arrangement, shared from Marcy Crosswhite’s memorial service.
Mark 4:35-41 was the scripture basis of Bro Tim’s message, “Jesus Calms the Storm.” The sea of Galilee is known for storms that come up quickly. That was the background for Jesus showing His great power. While Jesus slept from exhaustion, the disciples became very distraught and fearful of this sudden storm. Finally, waking up, Jesus calmed the storm with three words, “Quiet! Be still!” The sea immediately quieted. Jesus rebuked His disciples, asking them why they were so afraid, and where was their faith? We, as Christians, can learn a lot from these few verses.
The Bible challenge question: Who was the only person who stayed with Paul in his final days? (2 Tim 4:9-11)
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30. Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is