Golden Valley Christian Church
The definition of “playing the second fiddle” means to be less important than someone or something. It’s not a role most people want to play. One time, the famed conductor, Leonard Bernstein, was asked, “What is the most difficult instrument to play?” Smiling, he said, “Second fiddle. . . And if we have no second fiddle, we have no harmony.” There are many in the Bible who played second fiddle. One important person was Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, also known as Barnabas (Acts 4:36). A man named Paul had persecuted Christians and was thoroughly disliked and distrusted. After Paul’s conversion, it was Barnabas that intervened for Paul with these Christians (Acts 9:26-31). Barnabas was never as renowned as Paul, but had it not been for Barnabas, Paul may never have become the force for Christianity that he was. There are no “second fiddles” for God. In God’s sight, we are all equal.
We were so happy to welcome back some of our church family that had been ill or quarantined because of COVID. To those still recouping from illness, we ask for God’s assistance in their recovery. September 11th is an important date for our youth; this date restarts the youth group meetings. It will be a great time for those in grades 6-12!
After recovering from a bout of COVID that hit his family, Bro James was finally back in the pulpit last Sunday. His message focused on Mark 6:30-49, which told the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, with five loaves of bread and two fish. Bro James recounted the compassion of Jesus in teaching and feeding the people who were listening to him. This story is told in all four of the Gospels. The question was, “Why was this story so important to be in all of the Gospels?” To the Jewish people, Moses was considered to be the greatest of all prophets. God, through Moses, told the people there would be another prophet like Moses, and people were to hear him (Deut 18:15). Jesus, calling on God to feed the people, was akin to Moses, calling on God to feed the Hebrew people in the desert. God also gave another prophet, Elisha, power to feed many with a small amount of bread (2 Kings 4:42-44). By the act of feeding people, along with His other deeds, Jesus demonstrated that he was the anticipated prophet.
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30. Our Wednesday evening Bible study is suspended for the summer. Our minister is James McFarland (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is, where you will also find a link to access our Facebook page. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.