Weekly Article - 7/5/19

Golden Valley Christian Church


            A man was slowly making his way on a sidewalk in a large city, after a huge snowfall.  He came upon a little boy with a small shovel, scooping snow off the walks.  He watched for awhile as the child scooped diligently, shovel by shovel, removing the snow, thinking, “What a huge task for such a small child.”  He finally walked up to the boy and said, “Little boy, how can you shovel this deep snow off all of this sidewalk?”  Without ceasing his work, the boy said, “Little by little.”  When events overcome us, perhaps that should be our solution.  Little by little, with God’s help, we can work our way out of most adversities.  (Philippians 4:13)


            Vacation Bible School is now history for GVCC.  According to teachers and students alike, it was a big success.  Besides all the fun, the children learned from the Bible such things as setting goals, working hard, being unstoppable, and more.  On Sunday morning they shared one of the songs they learned.  Thanks so much to Melynne Jones and all of her wonderful help.  It takes a lot of dedicated people to make such a successful event.


            Galatians 5:1 was the scripture for Bro Tim’s message, “Freedom Is in Christ.”  Keeping with the celebration of July fourth, and declaration of independence for our nation, Bro Tim focused on the freedom Jesus has brought to all Christians.  Our Savior went to the cross and shed His blood to give us freedom and rest in Him.  Freedom is not the absence of rules; to maintain order, we need rules.  Each of us should rest in the blessings God has given us.  (Romans 3:24-25)


            The Bible challenge question:  Who did Barak insist on going with him into battle? (Judges 4:8-10)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website iswww.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.