Weekly Article - 7/27/18

Golden Valley Christian Church


            The majority of churches use music in their worship service.  Music is called “the universal language of mankind.”  Music can soothe or inspire.  It has put soldiers to bed and awakened them. We hear it on the radio and TV, with popular music of the times.  One story of music involves Messiah, composed by George Frideric Handel.  When Messiah opened in London, in 1743, to enormous crowds, King Henry II attended.  When the rousing Hallelujah Chorus was played, the King jumped to his feet. From that day on, audiences have stood in awe, listening to those stirring words, “Hallelujah . . . And He shall reign forever and ever.”  Even the Bible tells how music can soothe a troubled mind.  (I Samuel 16:23)


            Last Sunday, two of our youngsters told of their adventure at the Christian church camp at La Monte this past week.  Abrielle Jones and Olivia Tucker told of their fun and the Bible teachings at camp.  We were also blessed with a beautiful solo by Frances Burris, singing The Savior is Waiting.  Next Sunday, July 29th, Bro Tim will bring the message, but the youth of our church will be leading our worship service.  Our youngsters do a phenomenal job, and we are looking forward to it.


            Bro Tim’s message was taken from 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, with the title, “Reconciliation.”  Bro Tim pointed out that without faith, every person is separated from Jesus.  When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they hid; but God went looking for them to reconcile with them.  The main thing we need to remember is, we are reconciled with God through Jesus.  That happened when Jesus willingly gave His life on the cross so that His believers would have life forever.


            The Bible challenge question:  Did God ever grieve about making man? (Genesis 6:6; Isaiah 63:10)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org