Weekly Article - 7/15/16

Golden Valley Christian Church



Have you noticed how beautiful God's earth has looked this past week? After receiving rain, the manicured lawns and the beautiful flowers are a sight to behold, including the lawn and flowers at the Golden Valley Christian Church building. Have you also noticed how much people complain? There was an old saying about one complainer, that "he would complain even if he was being hung with a new rope." Now that is a pretty absurd saying, because no one wants to be hung by any kind of rope, but you get the idea. What would happen if we countered every complaint with a blessing we had received. If we did that, complaints might reduce significantly.


One of the most wonderful blessings God has given us is the children that attend our church so faithfully. Last Sunday, we were privileged with a truly joyful time when our youngsters sang "It is Good," a VBS song they had learned, using all the hand motions. God loves those voices, and so do we! "Freedom Because of the Spirit" was the title of Bro. Tim's message, beginning with 2 Corinthians 3:17. The Bible describes the Holy Spirit like the wind. You cannot see it, but you can feel the effects of it. It was not sent to earth until Jesus' death, and was sent to help, guide, and lead us to Christ. It gives us unique gifts for the common good of the church and frees us to serve God.


The Bible challenge question: Who was Athaliah? (2 Chronicles 22:10-12)


Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30. Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.


Thought for the week: "Mankind's limited power is a hindrance to understanding God's unlimited power." -- Copied