Weekly Article - 5/18/22

Golden Valley Christian Church


            A story is told about a man who was walking through his pumpkin patch.  He observed how the small vines could produce such large, beautiful fruit.  A large oak tree was close by, and the gentleman sat down under the tree.  He marveled at the strange twists of nature, with the large pumpkins on such small vines and the tiny acorns on such a large tree.  He thought, “God really messed up when he created these two plants.”  Just then, one of the tiny acorns hit the top of his head.  Quickly reversing his previous thought, He said, “Thank you, Lord, for wisdom better than mine.”  We should always acknowledge that God’s wisdom is far superior to ours (Proverbs 2:6).

            The children’s ministry is a very important aspect of the church; last Sunday, an informal meeting was held for a discussion in furthering this program.  Our interim minister and his wife, Elmer and Elaine Fuller, have been with us for just over a year.  This Sunday, May 22nd will be Bro Elmer’s last Sunday with us, as our new full-time minister, James McFarland, will soon be filling our pulpit.  We encourage all to attend this final message from Bro Elmer and give him our thanks.  Bible study has resumed on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, studying “The Chronological Life of Christ.”

            Bro Elmer’s message was taken from the fifth chapter of Daniel.  Belshazzar, grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar, was the last of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.  He held a huge banquet, ordering the golden goblets (stolen from the temple of God in Jerusalem) to be filled with wine (verse 2).  Then he proceeded to praise the gods of metals, wood, and stone (verse 4).  Suddenly, human fingers appeared, writing on the wall (verse 5).  None of the king’s enchanters or diviners could decipher the meaning.  Daniel was brought in to interpret the words, telling the king he would soon die, and his kingdom would be divided between the Medes and Persians (verses 25-28).  King Belshazzar died that night.  We cannot worship any man-made objects.  God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).

            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30.  Our interim minister is Elmer Fuller, and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org, where you will also find links to access our Facebook page and YouTube sermons.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.