Weekly Article - 4/6/18

Golden Valley Christian Church


            The weather prediction in Missouri for any given Easter is approximately a 44 percent chance of precipitation, and a 4 percent chance of snow.  While there was no precipitation during the services, Sunday was bitter cold for April.  Easter Sunday at Golden Valley Christian Church was packed full of activities and fellowship, along with the worship of Jesus our Lord.  The men of the church cooked a delicious breakfast and were rewarded with a dining area full of hungry people.  After the breakfast, the church youngsters had an outdoor egg hunt.  Despite the winter-like weather, the young people had a wonderful time filling their buckets.  Excluding the cold, wet day, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could celebrate a similar day like Easter every Sunday?


            A number of beautiful lilies adorned the stage, given by members of the congregation in memory of loved ones.  Next Sunday, April 8th, our two adult Sunday School classes will unite in the Fellowship Hall for a five-week study on “What We Believe.”  We invite all to attend this study.  Saturday, April 14th, from 9 AM – 3 PM, Terry Rhoads will be holding a seminar called “Cosmic Conflict” (call the church for more information).  The GVCC Charity Crafters meet at 5:30 PM on Thursdays. These ladies have already made and given away several shawls.  They welcome anyone to join them in this good work.


            Easter morning, worship was very inspiring.  Bro Tim brought messages between beautiful musical selections.  The quartet of Georgia Randall, Rosanna Cross, Ken Jones, and Bob Fenwick sang “Were You There?” and Bob Fenwick also sang a solo, “Then Came the Morning.”  Bro Tim’s message recounted events of the Passover, events following the Passover meal, and the resurrection of Jesus. Bro Tim reminded us that in order to be saved, we must believe and have faith, and be baptized into Christ.  Many of the Jewish people rejected Jesus, but He is alive today and does not want any to perish.


            The Bible challenge question:  What question did Jesus ask of those carrying swords and clubs to arrest Him? (Mk 14:48-49)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.