Weekly Article - 4/13/18

Golden Valley Christian Church



            Golden Valley Christian Church has started a five-week Sunday School study of “What We Believe.”  The first study concentrated on the “Infallibility of the Scriptures.”  With this subject in mind, comes the thought of an Australian Biblical historian named Barbara Thiering.  This lady wrote many books and theories that denied the authenticity of the Bible and Jesus.  Thiering’s reinterpretation of the Bible included some obscene beliefs that Jesus was married, divorced, remarried, and had fathered children.  She even suggested that the Dead Sea Scrolls validated her beliefs.  The Dead Sea Scrolls did not mention the name of Jesus, and the majority of the scrolls are believed to be written long before Jesus’ birth.  The scrolls actually validated the Hebrew Bible, or as Christians know it, the Old Testament.  No serious Bible scholars give any credence to the Thiering theory.  Sadly though, many people do believe such unsubstantiated ideas.


            Thankfully, the snow held off until church services were over last Sunday, and we were again blessed with a good attendance.  Ken Jones and Mary Tuggle did a reading of the “Lord’s Prayer,” with a few insights to it.  Melynne Jones is preparing for VBS, with a sign-up sheet of supplies needed.  The GVCC Crafters are still meeting each Thursday at 5:30 PM.  Other activities are being planned.


            Bro Tim’s message, “It Seems Right,” with scripture from Proverbs 14:12, continued the theme of the infallibility of the scriptures.  From the scriptures, we know the writers of our Bible were men inspired by God.  We know that man was created perfect until sin entered the picture, and that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, and mankind has a sinful nature (Rom 7:18).  Today, people look for ways to make their own views conform to God’s will, instead of the other way around.


            The Bible challenge question:  When God formed man from the dust, how did man breathe? (Gen 2:7)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.