Weekly Article - 2/1/15

Golden Valley Christian Church



            Music is a major part of a church's worship service, as it has been for centuries.  For example, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" was composed by Martin Luther in 1529, and it is still sung in churches today.  The song, "Because He Lives," was written in 1971 by a very well known duo, Bill and Gloria Gaither.  Our churches and airways are full of newer and more modern praise songs today.  Praise in music is a beautiful sound to our Lord and God.


            Last Sunday, we were blessed with a piano duet played by 5-year-old Abrielle Jones and her grandmother, Marla Jones.  It is such joy to have our youth share their talent with us.  Bro. Tim's message, entitled "God's Messengers," focused on the prophets from the Northern Kingdom.  God sent eight prophets to the two Kingdoms in a little over a two-hundred-year span, warning the people about their sinning, especially the worship of idols.  They would not listen to the prophets.  The people of that time were no different than those who live today.  We need to listen to God and remain faithful to Him.


            The Bible challenge question is:  "Which city totally repented after hearing the "Word?'"  (Jonah 3:5)


            The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Our Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:30 AM.  Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.


            Thought for the week:  "Sometimes silence can be a very effective form of communication.'" -- Copied