Golden Valley Christian Church
American poet, Edgar Fawcett, wrote the following poem: “January is here, with eyes that keenly glow, A frost-mailed warrior striding a shadowy steed of snow.” Arriving with ice, snow, and cold on the first day of the new year, the above poem seems very fitting. According to Janice Stillman, of the Old Farmer’s Almanac, this year is going to have one of the coldest and longest winters we have seen in many years. The entire United States will be in winter’s nastiest grip. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has an eighty percent accuracy record over many years, so we can only hope this prediction will fall into that twenty percent of inaccuracy! Even the Bible tells us of one sad incident that was due to bad weather (Job 1:18-19). However, there are a number of events that are a little more heartwarming. While enduring the cold, we can joyfully observe a couple of commemorative activities: January is National Clean-Up-Your-Computer Month and National Hot Tea Month!
If you would like a guide to help you do some structured Bible reading this year, we have a list of twelve books to read, one for each month of 2022. For those who enjoy crocheting or knitting, feel free to join the Charity Crafters on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM.
As we begin a new year, Bro Elmer has started a new sermon series, “The Acts of the Church,” to encourage us to be a Biblical church. In last Sunday’s introductory message, we learned of three principles of a Biblical church: 1. Authority of scripture (2 Timothy 3:16); 2. Individual accountability to study the Bible (Acts 17:11); 3. Importance of Christian unity (Eph 4:3-6; 4:15). The bottom line: Commit yourself to attend each week, and commit yourself to studying the scriptures. Think about making these some of your top New Year’s resolutions!
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30. Our interim minister is Elmer Fuller, and our website is, where you will also find links to access our Facebook page and YouTube sermons. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.