Weekly Article - 12/16/16

Golden Valley Christian Church



            Have you driven around Clinton in the last few days?  Without a doubt, the downtown area and the neighborhoods are beautiful with the Christmas lights and scenes.  Each year there seems to be some new, spectacular decoration, and this season is no different.  The new laser lights are so different and elegant, much easier to install than climbing ladders to hang traditional lights.  It is probably safe to say, unless there is some hidden flaw, they will become a Christmas staple.  While decorations and lights may change, the "Christmas story" will never change, and that is the reason we celebrate this season.  Regardless of the exact night God sent His Son to earth in human form, that one night changed the world forever.


            Although it had been a fairly nasty weather day, a group of adults and children went caroling last Sunday night.  The youngsters were so enthusiastic to share in this Christmas tradition.  When the carolers returned to the church, chili, two kinds of soup, desserts, and other "goodies" were enjoyed by all.  Despite the cold night, there was much warmth inside.


            Bro. Tim's message, with scripture from Ephesians 2, was entitled "The True Gift."  None of us are immune from sinning and the Apostle Paul wrote, even with his nobility, he was "the worst of sinners."  Producing a beautifully wrapped Christmas gift, the congregation waited in anticipation for Bro. Tim to open it.  Once opened, the box had nothing in it, which is pretty much what sinners receive.  With a few cuts by his knife, Bro. Tim held the box back up, in the form of a cross.  By accepting Jesus, our box will be full of God's blessings.


            The Bible challenge question:  What was Elizabeth's response after being told she would have a child? (Luke 1:25)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.


            Thought for the week:  "The world's applause cannot compare to the Lord's approval." -- Copied