Weekly Article - 1/11/15

Golden Valley Christian Church




            Winston Churchill, leader of Great Britain during World War II, was once asked what school experience best prepared him to lead Britain in its darkest hour. Sir Winston replied, "The two years I spent in the same level in high school."  "Did you fail, Sir?"  "No," Sir Winston responded, "I had two opportunities to get it right." (copied)  Failure does not necessarily mean the end.  It is the perseverance after the failure that counts.  The Apostle Paul encourages Christians to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us."  (Hebrews 12:1)


            Last Sunday was a great day at Golden Valley Christian Church.  In our morning service, Jacob Lamb sang a beautiful rendition of the song, "He."  Jacob plays the flute to accompany the congregational singing, along with our pianist, enhancing our musical service.  We also witnessed the ordination of our two new deacons, Austin Jones and Chris Tucker.  We appreciate the dedication of these young men so much!


            Bro. Tim's message, "The Trials of a King," focused on the story of King David and Bathsheba.  This one sin of King David led to many sins that resulted in consequences that caused problems for the remainder of David's life.  The initial sin of adultery started David on a path of more and more sin to cover the original sin. It exploded into deceit and, eventually, murder.  Sin does not end with the initial act.  In David's case, because of his sincere repentance, God did forgive him.  This same grace is available for every repentant sinner.


            The Bible challenge question is:  "What was the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas?'"  (Acts 15:36-40)


            The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Our Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:30 AM.  Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.


            Thought for the week:  "Failure is caused more by a lack of determination than a lack of talent.'" -- Copied