Golden Valley Christian Church
One of the most frequently asked questions this week has been, "Have you been watching the Olympics?" How many of us have watched and felt a bit of patriotism as Americans have been winning "the gold?" We want "our side" to win in any event. With that in mind, how many of us have praised our Lord God this week, and felt an emotional tug at the heartstrings in the knowledge we have such a loving, caring Savior? As Christians, we should all mull that thought around in our mind. God expects our praise, and as His devoted family, we should give it.
The weather was cooler and the fellowship warm in the Golden Valley Christian Church last Sunday. We welcomed guests from Iowa who were on their way back home from a gospel festival in Lebanon, Missouri. They had diligently searched Third Street in Clinton until they found us! All guests are warmly welcomed at GVCC. Ken Jones sang a beautiful song, "Somebody Bigger Than You and I." Bro. Tim's message, from the second chapter of Acts, was entitled "Caring for Other Christians." We all need companionship; God knew this when he gave Adam a helpmate in Eve. Bro. Tim pointed out the unity in the early church, and how people helped each other in need. We need to work in unity to do the work of the Holy Spirit. This can only be accomplished when all of us are yielding to God's will. If you missed our Sunday night Share and Care session, you missed a blessing. We urge all of you to attend these informal sessions that will lift your spirit and let you know that others care.
The Bible challenge question is: "Who were the sons of King David and Bathsheba, besides Solomon?" (I Chron. 3:5)
The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Our Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, morning worship is at 10:30 AM, and evening study is at 6:00 PM. Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Thought for the week: "Watch for big problems; they may disguise big opportunities." -- Copied