For Christians, the best day of the year is rapidly approaching. Easter is the day Christians will all celebrate because of Jesus' triumphal victory over death on the cross. The cross itself is ugly, but the good news from the cross is of joy and hope. The Golden Valley Christian Church family is looking forward to that great day with many activities planned. Our Easter sunrise service will be at 7:30 AM, breakfast at 8:30, Bible classes at 9:30, and a new time for our worship service will be at 10:30 AM. Our choir is hard at work, practicing for the cantata that will be held Easter Sunday morning, during the 10:30 worship service.
During our worship service last Sunday morning, Meredith Sien did a beautiful job of singing a medley of songs, "Above All" and "Jesus Paid it All." It is such a blessing to hear these beautiful songs, and we appreciate those who so willingly use their talent for us. "It's Really All About Jesus!" was the title of the morning message. Bro. Tim used scripture from Col 2:6-15 as the basis of his message. These verses tell of the fullness of the deity of Jesus and the fullness Christians receive in Christ. The only place saving grace can be found is in Jesus. Our pardon comes through Jesus and his death upon that ugly cross.
The Bible challenge question is: "Who was the first person Peter made a denial to, after the arrest of Jesus?" (Luke 22:56-57)
The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street. Sunday morning Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:45 AM. (Please note that our morning worship time will change to 10:30 AM on Easter Sunday, and we will continue to meet weekly at 10:30, until further notice.) Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Thought for the week: "A man is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has." -- Copied