Mark 10:14 (NIV) tells us that when Jesus' disciples were trying to keep the children from Him, Jesus was indignant. "He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these...''' It is apparent by this verse that Jesus loved children. Sunday morning, the children in the Golden Valley Christian Church provided our morning special in song and scripture recitation. Our Children's Church leaders do excellent work, teaching our young people. It is a blessing and joy for the church family to watch these youngsters use their talents as they grow in knowledge and stature in the Lord.
Bro. Tim continued his series of messages focusing on the cross. Entitled "Looking Deeper," the scripture was from Mark 14: 12-31. This scripture tells of Jesus sending the disciples to make preparation for the Last Supper and the events of the meal. Jesus instituted a memorial to HImself at this time, in the form of the bread and juice, representing His body and blood. This memorial gives us a weekly reminder that Jesus suffered a cruel death for the benefit of all believers. Our own sufferings are made more meaningful because of the suffering Jesus went through for us.
The Bible challenge question is: "Who was Naboth?" (I Kings 21:1 and 21:15)
The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street. Sunday morning Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:45 AM. Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Thought for the week: "A critical spirit is like poison ivy--it only takes a little contact to spread its poison." --Copied